
General country information
Survace 56.538 kmē      about 4,7 million inhabetants    Language: Croatic
Telephone entry code 00385
Currency:Croatic Kuna  VAT 20% non refundeble  
 Alcohol percentage 0%  while driving a vehicle

VIDOTRANS-HTG  his not policly involved, we only take in mind if itīs save to transport relief gods to a certain destination like the post-war area Croatia.

VIDOTRANS-HTG  organized transports to Karlovac and Osijek for the foundation "Mensen werken voor mensen". This organization supports a number of projects in the post-war area with primairy reliefgoods like clothes, beds, food and medical supplies. Also a few structural programs are setup like a argricultural project.
Also for fundatia stichting Bosna we transported goods to several destinations in Croatia.

thumbnail picture  thumbnail picture
destroyed by the war

Import and custom regulations for reliefgoods
What is absolutely impossible:

1.         No meat or products containing meat
2.         No
milk/diary or products containing milk
3.         No vis or products containing vis
4.         No
food whit a short expire date or an oudated expiredate, e.g. 03-08 can not be transported in august 2003, in general food should have an expire date of at least 6 months after import in the country.
5.         No
2de hand refrigerators because of the very strict export rules in the EU about equipment containing CFK.

What is possible but only with an importlicense of the ministery of agriculture:
Patatoes (consumption and seed), Rice, Seeds and milkpowder with all the phyto sanitary certificates

Besides the above mentioned products almost anything can be imported if itīs according to the following regulation:
The goods can anly be used for reliefprojects and may never be used for trading, commercial purposes or for gain.

Your receiver must custom clear the loads by itself:
A service like Fundatia Martha in Roemenia is not possible in Croatia but your receiver must custom clear the goods by itself, please bare in mind that your receiver must provide the following documents and import licenses:
1.         Acceptation letter
2.         Import license of the ministery in Zagreb with the border of enterance mensioned on the license
3.         Registration in the local custom computer
4.         Make the custom decleration at a local expeditor
5.         custom clear the goods at the customs
6.         pay for all the declaration and custom fees

If you are interrested in transportation or if you want a quotation than please fill in the Information form


Ministerie of transport
Prisavlje nr. 14,  10000
tel: 00385-1-6169111, fax: 00385-1-6196473

A number of links to Croatic sites you will find below:

Site of the gouvernment.

Buro of the president.

Ministery of forreign affairs.

Ministery of ecenomics.

The camber of comerce with general information.

Ministery of finance.

Statistic Buro.

The constitution of 1990 and recent amendements.

Uoutcom of latest elections and links to parties.

Ambassy of Croatië in Washington.

Economic information.

List of companies.

Stockexchange of Zagreb.

Information and tourism

Cultural and touristic information.

Touristic information and a city guide of Zagreb.

Site about the Istrië region covert in 3 countries: Croatia, Slovenia en Italy.

Background news and analysis about the Balkan by the independant internet magazine Transitions Online.

The Croatic news Hina Newsline.

News about Croatia and Herzegovina.

Publications of Amnesty International about Croatia.

touristic information and links to other sites. europe/croatia/

Croation homepage: links.
